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Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

The Photography Industry

Influencing the policital agenda through PR

What do you do when the government remains deaf to your PA-initiatives about a project that can wipe out your industry? You use PR to build up the pressure. Our PR and social media campaign ‘Taking ID pictures is OUR job. Stop stealing our bread & butter. #StopLiveEnrollment!’ did just that. It brought the responsible ministers to the table – not once, but twice. 


"Your team worked exceptionally fast and thorough, and always asked the right questions. The ensuing advices achieved precisely what we needed: we’re finally being heard by the decision makers."

Jonas Veys, Consultant at Public Affairs agency Political Intelligence 



Getting the politicians' attention

February 2022: for a while now, the Belgian federal government is building up to ‘live enrollment’. But this plan to make local administrations responsible for taking ID pictures, is a potential disaster for the photography industry. Numerous attempts by the industry to set up a thorough dialogue have remained unanswered. When the associations’ public affairs agency Political Intelligence hears about the launch of a pilot project, they turn to their last resort…


Public opinion as leverage

At Charly PR, we immediately see the story’s PR potential, but also an important risk: even the slightest impression of an industry fighting against an innovating government to save its own skin, can turn the public opinion against the industry.

During a first strategic intake meeting with Political Intelligence and the industry representative, we carve out the whole story. The case against live enrollment – including numerous disadvantages for citizens and government – is rock solid. Our advice is not to engage in a big guerilla-style campaign but to keep the approach genuine and argument-based. Our weapons: an extensive open letter, a shorter press release with ready-to-publish quotes and our strong media network… We also advise on how the industry can amplify its message through social media.



Politicians reach out

Almost all Belgian newspapers and radio stations pick up the outcry. Nationwide, the headlines about this ‘bad good idea’ and ‘economic bloodbath’ cannot be overlooked. The very same day, the targeted politicians invite the industry for a sit-down.

Do you have a public affairs challenge in need of a PR push? No matter which topic you want to put on the agenda, we translate it into a strong story that touches your target audience. 

contact US 


Social media in the mix

April 2022: the discussions come to an abrupt stop and the government is clearly stalling in order to go through with live enrollment under the radar. This sparks a new successful campaign. This time through both social and classic media. And with an even sharper tone of voice: that of an industry sector that clearly will not let go. The cabinets immediately resume the talks.  


Shout out to Erik McleanMarissa Lewis en Kinga Cichewicz for the images.

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