Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

Five key skills for a good spokesperson? Read our blog

Crisis communications


Your strategic partner when crisis strikes

The question isn’t if a crisis could strike your organization, but what to do when it does. The sooner you start pulling the communications strings, the better.

At Charly PR, we are the crisis communications agency for advice and support in all aspects of crisis communications. Both during a crisis (monitoring, strategic advice, messaging and execution) and before (proactive crisis communications plans and training).



How we help you through a crisis

Having a crisis communications agency on a day-and-night speed dial is essential, no matter how prepared you are. Our experts in Belgium and the Netherlands are available 24/7 and act fast. 

We offer strategic advice, closely monitor and analyze the crisis situation and map out the various stakeholders. We also determine the right communications strategy, messaging and statements for media and any relevant owned or shared channels. If needed, we also take full care of your owned channels, including social media community management.

Do you have no-one capable of speaking to the media? No problem. Either we provide your spokesperson with emergency media training, or we simply act as spokes on your behalf.



How do we make you crisis-ready?

What if your company suddenly finds itself in the eye of a media storm? If you’re not properly prepared, you’ll be wasting time getting organized when you should already be communicating.

A proactive crisis communications plan leaves nothing to chance. It’s like a crisis kit with a complete risk and impact analysis, an extensive stakeholder mapping and a detailed roadmap. We also discuss when to communicate which messages and through which channels. All this is made to measure your organization and includes realistic, detailed scenarios for your most likely crisis situations. Ideally, we also set you up with a monitoring subscription. That way, the minute a media storm breaks, we know about it.

On top of all that, you want the relevant internal people to know what to do when crisis strikes, right? Our crisis communications experts train your organization in various ways. This ranges from a general theoretical session for anyone who is likely to be involved in your crisis communications, to a practical crisis communications training for your crisis team and spokesperson. And if you want to leave absolutely nothing to chance, our crisis simulations immerses your team in real-life crisis scenarios.


We advise and support you with:

  • Proactive crisis communications plans
  • 24/7 strategic advice during a crisis
  • Media monitoring
  • Content creation (statements, Q&A, press releases, website & social media messages, …)
  • Communication with all stakeholders
  • Acting as spokes
  • Crisis training
  • Crisis simulation